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Welcome to Hillcrest Farm

In the Comox Valley

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Our Products

We raise all of our animals and field crops in a way that promotes animal health, regenerative land practices and a tasty product.


Grass Fed Beef

By the full, half or mixed quarter


Grass-fed, sustainable beef is our passion. We practice rotational grazing, which means we move our cows to fresh pasture every 12-24 hours. The result is a well fed, healthy, happy and stress-free animal. In their wake is soil that is alive and part of a thriving system.


The finished product is a leaner and more flavourful, tender and tasty product.


In your freezer a quarter cow takes up about 4 cubic feet (milk crates).


Pasture Raised Pork

By the whole beast, by the side


Our pork is pasture raised through the summer and finished on apples through the fall. Our home grown grain contributes to the feed as well. Pigs love to dig, be outside and run around. We let the animals fully express their piggishness, rooting around, and you really can taste the difference.


On Your Table/In Your Freezer: On your table, it will be delicious. In your freezer half a pig will take up about 3 cubic feet (three milk crates worth) of space.





Pasture Raised Turkeys

By the whole bird.


These turkeys spend their summer and fall roaming the pasture eating clover, grass and bugs which are all wonderful compliments to the home grown grain and turkey feed that helps them grow. One of the many delights of farming this way is watching turkeys be turkeys: picking bugs, chirping and chatting and running around in their flock all resulting in a great turkey flavour.    


Fresh in time for Thanksgiving and fresh for Christmas, or cut it up yourself and put in your freezer for smaller meals throughout the year




We are proud to be one of a handful of island farmers to produce local wheat for bakeries up and down the island. The health of the land is of utmost importance to us if we want to be a part of a regenerative food system for now and the future.


If you are looking to try our bread baked with our wheat by the pros, contact us and we'll give you all the details! If you're looking for flour for your home baking needs, we are working with a local miller and bakery to make this an option for you, so stay tuned!

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